Actionable! You can do this now!

Want a tip? Something you can do this week publicity-wise that might make a difference?

Here it is: take advantage of the Perseid meteor showers which will dance through the skies this week, starting tonight.

Lots of detail here, here and here.

You might see 100 meteors an hour—how cool is that?

But what’s the action step? Be ready: get the ‘money’ shot.

Image result for perseid meteor shower

If you’re not a skilled photographer, find one. Search out a spot in your vineyard, where you can frame the vines with the images of the meteors racing across the sky. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful image to have and to share? If possible, make sure the setting is identifiably yours—that might not be possible, of course….but maybe the vineyard is known for a huge lone oak tree or a cluster of olive trees. The goal here is to end up with a signature meteors-above-our-vineyard photo which is entirely unique to you and could in no way be thought of as a generic shot.

This isn’t the ordinary annual Perseid meteor shower; the experts predict it to be more exciting than any in recent years. Because the waning crescent moon will be setting early each night this week, the sky will be a fabulous ‘blank slate’ for the meteors.


In the late evening you should be able to see shooting stars in the sky; then, around approximately 11:30 p.m., in the northeastern sky, the constellation will rise. It will move across the sky and set in the southeastern sky.

If midnight isn’t your cup of tea, some of the astronomers say that the meteors may still be visible around 4:30 a.m.

More advice is that it may take twenty minutes or more for your eyes to adjust to the dark.


The Press Democrat explains that “…a meteor shower occurs when the Earth passes through an orbiting field of comet debris — in this case, a trail of particles left behind by Comet Swift-Tuttle, which reappears every 130 years. Though the dust particles are tiny, the speed and friction with which they hit the Earth’s atmosphere creates the streaks of light we know as shooting stars. The peak of the shower occurs when the Earth is passing through the densest part of the trail — Aug. 12 and 13 this year, according to NASA. Active from July 17 to August 24, the Perseids are so named because the meteors appear to radiate from the constellation Perseus.”

“Don’t expect to see the sky ablaze with flashes of light all the time. Each meteor will flash for less than a second as a long streak of light. Many could flash at one time, or none at all might appear for many minutes,” the Chronicle tells us, adding “It’s more important to decide where to watch for the meteors than what to watch for them. The crucial issue is that meteors are faint, so you need a location where the sky is dark, and that means getting away from city and car light as much as possible.”


In addition, the experts tell us not to use telescopes or binoculars. “Your eyes are the best tool, because the flashes can be anywhere in the sky. Restricting your view to a small part of the sky makes it more likely that you will miss many of the meteor flashes,” the Chronicle’s expert suggests.

Good luck! May the Force be with you!

Oh so trendy

You’re sitting in your winery’s “how are we doing” marketing/sales/news-dissemination meeting.

You’ve heard about developments in the vineyard.

There’s been a discussion about the pros and cons of cement eggs in the winery.

You’ve heard about whether the tasting room traffic is up or down.

What you have absolutely heard is how everyone seems to be floundering about what way to go. What’s a trend to capitalize on? How can we intrigue visitors, customers, wholesalers, sommeliers? How can we keep employees engaged and enthusiastic?

Image result for riding a forklift

Here’s a sneak peek into trends that corporations are paying attention to, as recently reported by Paul Solman of The PBS News Hour.

Solman interviewed DeeDee Gordon of Sterling Brands; she’s a consultant who advises on brand building and new product development based on cultural trends she spots.

What applies most to the wine business? Here are a few of the many interesting trends:

1) “Conspicuous isolation:….People are feeling very overwhelmed by all of the data out there and so they are trying to find ways of being on the grid while being off the grid…”

2) “Hyper-experiences, people’s need to be more immersed in products and in brands.”

3) “Life framing:….taking pictures of your Sunday meal, for example, to post online…how consumers are using photography to frame up these experiences to be able to elevate their status amongst their group of peers on their network.”

4) “Frugeois: ….our commentary on frugal living. Millennials are extremely conscious of what they’re spending, so they want things that are cheap, but that are designed to function, last and look really good. Fast fashion products…”

Why not challenge a room full of your colleagues to brainstorm new programs or approaches which would embody these ideas?

I can’t resist; here are a few ideas to whet your whistle.

Conspicuous isolation: what a cellphone-free zone in your winery or tasting room? A way to emphasize how enormously absorbing wine tasting is…why dilute it with email from the outside world?!

Hyper-experiences: insurance aside, what about letting people learn to drive a forklift? Ride in an ATV to a view spot in the vineyards? Experience batonnage with their own hands, stirring those lees?

Life framing: how are you handling selfie sticks at your winery? What about making it easier? Setting up vignettes where your customers could jump right in to a nicely arranged ‘set’ to take photos?

Frugeois: maybe offer an outlandishly inexpensive tasting out of the blue one day? Just to BE outlandish? You could come up with a creative hook about why the wine is authentic and the ‘price’ doesn’t matter?!

Happy brainstorming! Remember, a great idea could always go viral.

Let them eat cake?

Part of being a good marketer, publicist or just plain old communicator (whether in the wine business or any other sector) is keeping your ear to the ground. That would include reading newspapers, as old fashioned as that might sound.

And when you are reading your local newspaper, the op-eds and letters to the editor are important places to look. Those pieces are the voice of John or Jane Q. Public—people who care enough to organize their thoughts and communicate them as broadly as they can.

And in today’s San Francisco Chronicle, may I recommend for your reading pleasure (and marketing savvy skills) an op-ed by a writer from San Francisco, Jeff Miller?

He’s letting off steam about the foodie culture in San Francisco: it’s worth reading: (pay wall)

“Food fan or foodie? In San Francisco, it matters,” is the headline. “As a longtime resident of San Francisco, I am tired of feeling guilty for considering food more fuel than art. I enjoy a seared scallop as much as the next person — but I am not obsessed with smoked black cod ponzu or water buffalo meatballs for $32. I think it is high time that like-minded people decry foodie-ism for what it is: pretentious, exclusionary and expensive nonsense.” Wow. Pretty succinctly said, right? Here’s why this is important to read and mull over: how far ‘away’ is today’s wine culture from foodie culture?

Mr. Miller does include a reference to Napa Valley as he talks about restaurant culture: “I have tried to simply ignore the fawning and farcical celebration of this-or-that Michelin-starred, San Francisco celebrity chef and the rapturous drivel about Napa wine lists and poetic cuisine. But over-the-top accolades and starry-eyed “reporting” now have reached such a crescendo that, before another mini-plate of seaweed in Thai basil broth is served, I must speak out for the other San Francisco…”

Where is real food? Real people? Mr. Miller is echoing the sentiments which here in Napa Valley we are seeing play out in the anti-new-winery movement. The step towards ‘real wine’ is quite close.

Miller continues: “We further assert that eating out in San Francisco and its surrounding counties is becoming a class-conscious, expensive sport for the wealthy and their acolytes…” and he recommends “…. We are instead urging them to redirect their enthusiasm to teaching people — and maybe themselves — the virtues of healthy cooking, not extravagant eating….and for returning some balance to the discourse about food.”

After you read this piece, you might take those ‘fresh’ eyes over to your winery’s website and consider what you see….just sayin’…is your winery in the ‘let them eat cake’ mode?

How far does The New York Times reach?

Please take a minute to read Bruce Schoenfeld’s article in the Sunday May 31 New York Times Magazine called “The Wrath of Grapes.”

The sub-head defines the piece as “…a band of upstart winemakers is trying to redefine what California wine should taste like — and enraging America’s most famous oenophile in the process….”

In a ‘mainstream’ consumer newspaper you will see a story detailing some fairly inside-baseball wine industry marketing issues. How interesting, right?

Just as importantly (PR 101, we might say), this piece has sparked discussion across the blogosphere and elsewhere.

I thought I’d gather some of the reactions to Mr. Schoenfeld’s piece in one convenient place, namely, here!

The lengthiest responses are Ron Washam

Steve Heimoff

Tom Wark (who of course is also the other founder/writer here at Swig)

Next are several writers and online forums who discuss the article:

Dr. Vino

Robin Garr

David Rosengarten



And The Colorado Springs Independent.

If you’re a marketer in the wine business today, you might enjoy reading through these assorted commentaries just to make sure you know where YOU stand on these issues….and…..who knows, maybe even contribute a comment here or there?

Off with their heads! Or is it “let them eat cake?”

Is there a “perception vs. reality” problem in Napa Valley? This publicist thinks so. And if it doesn’t get fixed soon, there may be unfortunate consequences. Let’s dip into a real world scenario. In case you haven’t heard, the Napa Valley is now in the middle of a whirlwind of controversy about whether there should be a moratorium on new wineries and vineyard development (among other related issues). Celebrating the winning bid of lot number 1 at Auciton Napa Valley 2014. Photo by <a href="" target="_blank">Jason Tinacci</a> for the Napa Valley Vintners. To that end, the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission appointed a task force to consider these issues. Called the Agricultural Protection Advisory Committee, it’s composed primarily of environmentalists with a couple of token wine industry people. The Napa Valley Register reports “The Agricultural Protection Advisory Committee is trying to figure out whether Napa County is choking on its own wine country success and, if so, what to do about it. Residents have brought up issues ranging from too much traffic to a perception that winery tourism is trumping agriculture.”

What does it mean to be a winery today? In a time when distributors are disappearing isn’t having a chance to present your ‘brand’ in your ‘home’ crucial? At yesterday’s Committee meeting, some members proposed that a Napa Valley winery be at least 40 acres in size. Say what?! In these fast-changing times, where a garagiste winemaker can present unique wines in a unique and perhaps “tiny” spot (certainly smaller than 40 acres)? How can the public not understand that a “winery” can come to life in any number of unusual configurations?

Back to perception vs. reality. I would suggest that “real” people are confusing hard-working vintners with the marketing of wineries. Namely, let’s look at Auction Napa Valley, coming up in early June. Live lots this year are full of bling, no question. They include a private concert by a rock star at a vintner’s home, trips to Europe and the Kentucky Derby, tickets to the Emmys, private jets, SEAL immersion and of course much more; the online e-lots are a marketing triumph as well for their creativity and diversity.

Here’s the disconnect. Auction Napa Valley is in a race to be the world’s biggest, best, most lavish, most written about wine auction. How do you achieve that? Flashier, ever more outlandish, more wow factor. But just as the Auction is ever more extravagant, it increases what you might call the squirm factor. Who is the beneficiary of all of this lavishness? “Real” people, disadvantaged kids, vineyard workers, senior citizens. No one that you will run into strolling the grounds of Meadowood sipping sparkling wine and eating caviar.

The real conundrum, from a publicity point of view, is that by masterfully marketing Brand Napa Valley through the Auction, you set up unintended consequences—alienating locals, who might not realize that the wining and dining which vintners do all the time is actually real work and hard work. As a ‘real’ person living in the Napa Valley, you’re watching this. Maybe a vineyard is going in next door or the winery down the road seems to have more cars on weekends. How can you not be resentful? The 1% are twirling around right in front of you. Where do you channel that frustration? What do you do about resenting that conspicuous consumption beginning to engulf you?

So are there really too many wineries in the Napa Valley? I doubt anyone really knows (how could anyone know?). Only the marketplace will tell us. But….that’s the perception that zealous environmentalists are trying to turn into reality. Where are the winery marketers portraying the reality, of wineries who give back to the community, who send superb products into the world, who fight for every sale and every customer? It’s too tough a balancing act—to equate the lifestyle of the rich and famous (aka Auction Napa Valley) with ‘real’ people.

So what have years of glitzy auctions created? A rumbling of class warfare, of the haves and have nots….and sadly, a failure of targeted publicity and marketing on home base, where it matters.